Date & Time
Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 1:55 PM - 3:10 PM
0.6 Madrid
Renewable Energy Communities: organisation/business models, finance and heating

How to accelerate the local heating transition although the vision is blurry. Insights in participative neighbourhood talks in Waldsee Freiburg * J. Kucknat

Exploring financial models and organisational structures for the establishment of heating communities - recommendations and insights for Germany * T. Schoser

Co-construction methods for policy recommendations to support energy communities * A. Nicita

Breaking Barriers, Building Communities: Enhancing Inclusive Participation in Energy Communities * Kerstin Schilcher

Hosted by
Rita Ehrig, Tim Sternkopf (DENA) & Kerstin Schilcher, (Austrian Energy Agency, SHAREs)